

Watch: 17-Year-Old Makes History By Sequencing Genome of Pet Fish

California teen Indeever Madireddy was the first to ever submit an angelfish鈥檚 genetic code to the National Library of Medicine.

Indeever Madireddy, 17, is an avid fish lover. Not as food, but as pets. The San Jose, California teen meticulously raises his freshwater angelfish from egg to adulthood. But when one of his prized fish died, he was struck with an idea: use the fish for genetic mapping. Indeever says this is important for use as 鈥渁 model organism in future biomedical research.鈥

Working at biohacking space BioCurious, he successfully mapped the genetic code of his pet fish and submitted it to the National Library of Medicine鈥檚 Center for Biotechnology Information. 

Indeever鈥檚 passion for biomedical research is inspired by a passion for STEM education. 

鈥淪TEM, of course, is really important to me,鈥 he says, 鈥渂ecause it gives me the tools to solve and answer questions in the world around us.鈥

Click here to see & share Madireddy鈥檚 story 鈥 and check out this other recent coverage of teenagers breaking new ground in STEM: 

鈥擯roduced & Edited by Jim Fields

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