

Texas School District Cancels Youth and Government Class in Wake of State鈥檚 Controversial New Social Studies Law

Judith Anderson-Bruess brought Youth and Government to McKinney in 2005 and led the program until her retirement two months ago. (Eric Lee for The Texas Tribune)

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McKinney school officials long took pride in their students鈥 participation in the nationwide Youth and Government program, calling the district a

Every year, students researched current issues, proposed and debated their own public policy, and competed in a mock legislature and elections process for statewide offices. Since the program鈥檚 arrival to McKinney in 2005 as a club, seven of the district鈥檚 middle school students have been elected governor 鈥 the program鈥檚 top honor 鈥 at the statewide conference in Austin. In 2017, the district added an elective option: Seventh and eighth graders in two of the district鈥檚 middle schools could now receive course credit for participating in the program.

But in June, the district canceled the elective option in response to passed during this year鈥檚 regular legislative session. In an email to middle school administrators obtained by The Texas Tribune, a social studies curriculum coordinator wrote that 鈥渋n light of鈥 the new law鈥檚 ban on political activism and policy advocacy, 鈥渨e will no longer be allowed [to] offer Youth & Government as an elective course for credit.鈥 As the law puts restrictions on courses, not on extracurricular activities, the original club remains available.

The cancellation is an early application of , which goes into effect Sept. 1. The law is part of a nationwide movement to ban any teachings conservatives believe sow racial divisions and make white children believe they are racist. Republicans label these teachings The new law also restricts classroom discussions on current events and bans teaching that anyone should feel discomfort or guilt about their race.

Texas teachers and academic experts say that the term critical race theory 鈥 the name of an academic framework used to examine structural causes of racial inequity 鈥 is being used politically as a catchall phrase for any teachings that challenge or complicate dominant narratives about the role of race in the country鈥檚 history and identity. And they have warned that the new law would cause schools and teachers to unnecessarily curb discussions about civics and avoid race-related subjects out of fear of violating the law 鈥 or being accused of violating the law, even if they are discussing topics not explicitly banned.

The cancellation appears to be a misapplication. The new law only applies to required social studies classes, not electives like the McKinney class.

The excerpt of the new law cited in district emails

Regardless of the technicality, state Rep. , R-The Woodlands, the bill鈥檚 author, said that the Youth and Government elective 鈥渄oesn鈥檛 have anything to do with lobbying members, so there is no reason [McKinney] would have to cancel it.鈥

However, the law does not define 鈥減olitical activism鈥 or 鈥渁ctivity involving social or public policy advocacy.鈥

Steven Poole, the executive director of the United Educators Association, said that the cancellation illustrates the dangers of the bill鈥檚 vagueness. 鈥淚t points to how up in the air the legislation鈥檚 writing is, and how much people can read into it,鈥 he said.

鈥淭here are a lot of answers that the state Legislature, the State Board of Education, and the TEA need to provide districts and teachers,鈥 he said.

In response to inquiries from the Tribune, the district said it would 鈥渄ecline to participate in this article鈥 and sent a reminder to teachers that they must refer reporters to administrators.

Judith Anderson-Bruess, the McKinney teacher who began the Youth and Government club, led it until her retirement two months ago and taught the elective, disagreed with the district鈥檚 judgment that the program constituted political activism or policy advocacy.

鈥淚t was just a simulation,鈥 she said. 鈥淸Students] wrote bills, they learned parliamentary procedures.鈥

Anderson-Bruess, who sits on the board for the statewide YMCA Texas Youth and Government organization, said that McKinney had 鈥渙ne of the strongest programs鈥 because of the elective.

She said the elective gave students more time than the club to research and write substantive bills. She also said the elective made it easier to participate for low-income students and students of color, who had less means to commute to and from school outside of school hours.

鈥淭hey were being successful,鈥 she said. 鈥淎nd now it鈥檚 gone.鈥

YMCA Texas Youth and Government鈥檚 state director, Angela Castilleja, wrote in a statement to the Tribune that the organization does not believe the new legislation has 鈥渁ny direct relation鈥 to the program.

The new law鈥檚 ban on activism appears nearly verbatim in a bill written by Stanley Kurtz, who against political action in the classroom and for the of a Florida bill that would have given some high school students college credit for Youth and Government. Toth said he 鈥渃onferred鈥 with Kurtz in crafting the law.

Texas鈥 law is the only one, as of July, to include a ban on political activism, among so-called critical race theory laws across the nation tracked by .

Gov. said the current law does not do enough to 鈥渁bolish critical race theory鈥 and legislators to strengthen the law in a special legislative session. Bills filed in the and passed in the for this session would enable broader classroom surveillance over teachings that have sparked outrage over so-called critical race theory indoctrination, such as instructional materials that mention systemic racism or white privilege. The bills also expand the current ban on activism to reach all classes and electives.

The Texas House is currently unable to function as Democrats have absconded from the chamber in order to block a GOP-led voting restrictions bill. However, Abbott has to call special session after special session until they come back and complete his agenda.

The future of the Youth and Government elective in McKinney is settled, meanwhile. The cancellation seemed to rest on the instruction of an outside attorney. The day the cancellation was announced, an assistant principal from Faubion Middle School emailed back, 鈥淭he premise of YAG is for students to mirror the governmental/legislative process much like mock trials in 8th grade. Students do not make contact with any legislative members.鈥 (Bold text included in original email.)

The curriculum coordinator asked a deputy superintendent for advice. One hour later, the deputy responded.

鈥淥ur attorney says we cannot offer,鈥 they wrote. 鈥淭he language is vague 鈥.鈥

The attorney did not respond to requests for comment. The attorney鈥檚 firm, Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Hullett P.C., said the McKinney school district 鈥渢ook the most cautious approach鈥 given the social studies law鈥檚 new boundaries and unresolved future.

Joy Baskin, the director of legal services for the Texas Association of School Boards, said that in interpreting the law, school attorneys generally seemed to feel that outside interest groups鈥 鈥渃alls for vigilance鈥 would outweigh the exact letter of the law.

鈥淚f there鈥檚 a lot of parental engagement and complaints, it doesn鈥檛 matter too much what the technical language of the statute is,鈥 she said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 still an issue that school districts will have to respond to.鈥

Sofie Jordan, an eighth grader at McKinney鈥檚 Dowell Middle School who was scheduled to be in the Youth and Government elective, said she has never seen a teacher require political activism from a student and that the cancellation hindered her education. She has been in the club for the last two years and plans to continue through high school.

鈥淭here are people of both beliefs in that program who will be deprived of the right to learn about their government,鈥 she said.

Jason Kao is a fellow , the only member-supported, digital-first, nonpartisan media organization that informs Texans about public policy, politics, government and statewide issues.

Disclosure: The Texas Association of School Boards has been a financial supporter of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that is funded in part by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors. Financial supporters play no role in the Tribune鈥檚 journalism. Find a complete .

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