

Study: AI Uncovers Skin-Tone Gap in Most-Beloved Children鈥檚 Books

The most popular, award-winning children鈥檚 books tend to shade their Black, Asian and Hispanic characters with lighter skin tones than stories recognized for identity-based awards, new research harnessing artificial intelligence reveals. (Craig F. Walker/Getty Images)

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The most popular, award-winning children鈥檚 books tend to shade their Black, Asian and Hispanic characters with lighter skin tones than stories recognized for identity-based awards, new research finds.

The discovery comes on the heels of a half decade of advocacy to diversify the historically white and male-centric kids鈥 literature genre, leading to . But now, a recently published by Brown University鈥檚 Annenberg Institute raises questions about what, exactly, that representation looks like.

鈥淭here may be more characters that are classified as, for example, being Black, but they’re being depicted with lighter skin,鈥 explained 鈥嬧媍o-author Anjali Adukia, assistant professor at the University of Chicago.

Anjali Adukia (University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy)

Adukia and her team used artificial intelligence to analyze patterns in the images and text of 1,130 children鈥檚 books totaling more than 160,000 pages 鈥 far more data than manual methods could possibly crunch. Their code identified characters鈥 faces, assigned race, age and gender classifications, and calculated a weighted average for their skin tone.

The researchers found that, among books that won the or awards, which comprise the lion鈥檚 share of purchases and library check-outs, the average shade for characters belonging to each racial category was lighter than those characters in books that won identity-based awards for race, gender, sexuality or ability representation such as the for African-American kids鈥 literature or the for LGBTQ books.

The most popular, award-winning children鈥檚 books tend to shade their Black, Asian and Hispanic characters with lighter skin tones than stories recognized for identity-based awards. (Adukia, Eble, Harrison, Runesha and Szasz via Brown University鈥檚 Annenberg Institute)

The color analysis also revealed that, across all collections, children were persistently depicted with lighter skin than their adult counterparts. The messages sent by those portrayals worry Adukia.

鈥淭here’s 鈥 this notion of equating youth or childhood with innocence,鈥 she told 成人抖阴. 鈥淏ut if innocence is equated with lightness or whiteness, what’s that implicit bias that gets baked into people’s minds?鈥

The Singing Man, left, was honored by the Coretta Scott King Award in 1995 and The Village of Round and Square Houses, right, was honored by the Caldecott Medal in 1987. (Emileigh Harrison)

In many cases, said the professor, that pattern extends to adult characters that authors want to depict as moral or upstanding. Some books, for example, dilute Martin Luther King Jr.鈥檚 chocolate complexion to a light brown or beige, she said.

Whether by conscious choice or implicit bias, some children鈥檚 books lighten the skin tones of characters meant to be seen as moral or upstanding, such as Martin Luther King Jr. (Amazon Bookstore)

鈥淲e live in 鈥 a world that still sends the message that to be closer to white is to somehow be at an advantage,鈥 Sharon G. Flake, author of the award-winning book , told 成人抖阴. 鈥淭he whole notion that you are seen as 鈥 more valuable, more beautiful if you are lighter.鈥

The stories children read, said Flake, shape how kids come to understand the world and their place within it. Giving birth to an African-American daughter with a darker complexion inspired her to write a book featuring a dark-skinned Black girl as the protagonist to remind her child that she鈥檚 brilliant and beautiful.

Sharon G. Flake was inspired to write a children鈥檚 book with a dark-skinned girl protagonist after giving birth to her own daughter. (Sharon G. Flake)

鈥淚f you’re always left out of the story, then you start to think that you’re not important,鈥 said Flake. But the power of books to reframe those societal messages, she added, is 鈥渉uge.鈥

鈥淲hen you鈥檙e able to read a book that actually does represent you, 鈥 you feel seen,鈥 Edith Campbell, librarian at Indiana State University, told 成人抖阴. 鈥淵ou connect with it in a different way.鈥

But despite trend-setting titles, authored by Flake and many others, the children鈥檚 literature genre still has 鈥渁 really wide gap in [racial, color and gender] representation,鈥 said Adukia.

The dataset her team analyzed includes every children鈥檚 book published in the past century that won one of 19 different awards. Even from 2010 to 2019, their figures show, Caldecott and Newbery winners saw upticks in the share of characters whose skin color fell into the lightest tone group. They also saw a modest increase in the proportion of characters in the darkest skin tone 鈥 though the share remains less than in books winning identity-based awards 鈥 and a reduction in the percentage of medium shades.

In 2018, , while Black, Asian, Hispanic and Indigenous people led 10 percent, 7 percent, 5 percent and 1 percent of titles, respectively, according to numbers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison鈥檚 Cooperative Children鈥檚 Book Center.

(Cooperative Children’s Book Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison)

鈥淭here are more books written with animal characters than there are with children of color,鈥 said Campbell, remarking on the 27 percent share of stories with non-human protagonists in 2018.

Edith Campbell (Highlights Foundation)

The librarian, who launched the to boost diverse summer reading options, said she would give the recent progress to increase racial, gender and ability representation in the genre a D+/C-.

鈥淭here鈥檚 so much work to do,鈥 she said, pointing to a string of new rules in red states and districts across the country ostensibly meant to limit critical race theory that the teaching of books written by Black, Indigenous, Hispanic and Asian authors.

In addition to racial and skin-tone patterns, the UChicago and Columbia Teachers College research team also identified concerning trends in the portrayal of female characters in kids books. Girls and women, their data showed, were more likely to be represented in images than text. Out of all the award categories, those dedicated to representing female voices were the only group to have more words gendered as female than male, the researchers found, and that proportion amounted to only a slight majority.

鈥淭here may be symbolic inclusion in pictures without substantive inclusion in the actual story,鈥 said Adukia. 鈥淚t is really striking, this illustration that women should be 鈥榮een but not heard.鈥欌

鈥淚 don’t think that [the imbalance between female representation in images versus text] is something that people necessarily are doing on purpose,鈥 added co-author Emileigh Harrison, a Ph.D student at the University of Chicago. 鈥淏ut making this finding more visible might help those who are writing future books or publishers 鈥 think about it more carefully.鈥

Girls and women were more likely to be represented in images than text. (Adukia, Eble, Harrison, Runesha and Szasz via Brown University鈥檚 Annenberg Institute)

If those in the industry can turn the worrisome patterns in racial, skin color and gender representation around, the potential impact can be enormous, Flake believes.

鈥淏ooks work a lot of magic and they do a lot of healing,鈥 she said.

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